Eric is the type of professor that makes you excited to attend a 5 p.m. class – something I hadn’t experienced before and wouldn’t experience again in my time at Baylor! To me, Eric’s Law and Ethics of Journalism class was a “life” class, one of my very favorites as I reflect on my college career. He created a space to be open, honest, and vulnerable, as my classmates and I shared thoughts on tricky topics and ethical scenarios. His class made me nervous and uncomfortable at times, but in the best way, because I knew I was growing as a person and a professional. Maya Angelou said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I will always think of Eric as a kind, fun, and encouraging professor, someone who made me feel like my opinions and thoughts were worth sharing. He equipped me with the tools necessary to confidently face ethical decisions, big and small. I chose my current employer largely due to their Code of Values, something that was made important to me in Eric’s class. I’m thankful to call him a friend and stay connected to this day. (Thank you, Eric!)
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